Podcast 69. Djiniyini Gondarra and Richard Trudgen discuss how the traditional Yolngu ways of trading and doing business are the same as modern Balanda business. Find out more here...
Podcast 46. This is the last podcast of seven where Richard Trudgen and Nikunu Yunupingu talk money and electricity. Did you know EVERYONE has to pay for power?
Podcast 70. Djiniyini Gondarra and Richard Trudgen compare traditional Yolngu trade with the Macassans with current government trade regulations. Learn more here.....
Podcast 70. Djiniyini Gondarra and Richard Trudgen compare traditional Yolngu trade with the Macassans with current government trade regulations. Learn more here.....
Podcast 72. Djiniyini Gondarra and Richard Trudgen discuss the role of ASIC, what happens when an Administrator is appointed, and why it's best to start as a small business